Sebuah konsep wisata edukasi baru untuk anak-anak dan keluarga. Museum Satwa - tempat mengenali berbagai jenis satwa dan habitat aslinya dalam bingkai kaca & Secret Zoo - tempat mengenali berbagai jenis satwa lebih dekat, serta arena bermain untuk anak-anak. Semua ini dapat Anda dan keluarga jumpai di Jatim Park 2, Batu, Jawa Timur.
A new concept of educational tours for children and families. Museum Satwa - recognize the various types of animals and their natural habitat in a glass frame & Secret Zoo - where you can see various types of animals more closely, as well as big theme park for children. All of these you and your family can enjoy it in Jatim Park 2, Batu, East Java.
Salika Travel
A new concept of educational tours for children and families. Museum Satwa - recognize the various types of animals and their natural habitat in a glass frame & Secret Zoo - where you can see various types of animals more closely, as well as big theme park for children. All of these you and your family can enjoy it in Jatim Park 2, Batu, East Java.
Salika Travel
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